
Company Incorporation in El Salvador

Information Requirements for founding a company in El Salvador:

In El Salvador, companies or sotck comapany have as partners to natural or legal persons (companies), a minimum of 2 members is required to constitute a Salvadoran society and its minimum capital function is $ 2,000.00, according to reforms Commercial Code, effective from July 7, 2008.

Information and documents required.

  • Tax Identification Number – Nit partners (if not taken, we can help in obtaining)
  • Unique Identity Document (DUI), Resident Identity Card or Passport of each of the partners; for the case of shareholders other companies the founding documents of the company and credentials that accredit the legal capacity of the company is required.
  • Name which is intended referred to the Company; to investigate itself available use in the Commercial Register, this service is provided free of charge.
  • Purpose: The main activity or what the company will be dedicated.
  • Social Capital: The amendments to the law relating to the principle indicate that for both Salvadorans and foreigners Social Capital as a minimum should be USD 2,000.00, which must be paid by certified check from a Salvadoran Bank on behalf of the new Society, the total or USD 100.00 amount (which is 5% of the required minimum capital) Capital stock the balance will be paid within a period not exceeding one year.
  • The percentage of shareholding for each partner; how the shares will be distributed.
  • Who will be the Legal Representative and who will be the alternate or be made by the Board.

With the above information and detailed documents, the Memorandum of society be granted, and entered in the Trade Register on average within 5 working days.
a private document containing the statutes of the company incorporated in which the rights and obligations that exist between it and its partners will develop will be developed; and subsequently they are deposited with the Register of Commerce, on average within 2 working days.

f members or any of them can not attend in person to sign the deed of incorporation before a notary, may do so by a power whose model send request at no additional cost.

Value professional fees: USD 2,000.00

